Preserving our ecosystem and protecting our natural resources is vital. I will fight to ensure that all Missourians have access to clean, lead free water. I will also call out corporations that aren't being responsible.
Affordable Housing
I believe everyone has the absolute right to housing that is Affordable and safe. I believe if we have more Affordable housing that is the very first step(of many) in combating our homelessness here in our state.
Accessibility & Healthcare
Equitable access to Healthcare is essential. All Missourians, despite race, color, creed, sexual orientation, or INCOME have the RIGHT to Healthcare. No one in this state should worry about about bankrupting themselves or their families to seek treatment.
Our children, our investment.
Public schools have been under consistent attack by the other side. A state audit reveals (2021) Missouri provided about 33% of state aid to K-12 public schools in 2020- ranking Missouri 49th in the nation. Our state also ranks 50th in the nation for starting teacher pay. Let me be perfectly clear on my position concerning our public schools. I will never vote to take money from our public schools. In fact, my vision is bold, clear, and concise. FUND OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS FULLY. I'm against funding private schools with public funds. We need to be ensuring every school district in the state is receiving Equitable funding. Every child has the right to the best education we can provide for them.
Fiscal Responsibility
Missourians should demand the right to know where our money is being spent. Lawmakers shouldn't get away with spending our monies for their pet projects. Invest in our people by investing in our infrastructure and create jobs in order to build a better, stronger, more competitive Missouri.
Gun Control
Antoine believes sensible gun control is desperately needed.
Women's Reproductive Rights
Antoine believes everyone should have bodily autonomy. Women should be able to make decisions regarding their own bodies without government interference.
LGBTQ Rights
Antoine believes all people should have equal rights.
My opponent is in his own words "Ardently Pro Life" Missouri right to life rating 100%. I am for bodily autonomy across the board. I believe medical decisions must be left to the person who is seeking medical care, her doctor, and anyone else SHE decides to seek counsel from.
Pro 2nd Amendment NRA rating 92% Does not support common sense restrictions on weapons of war.
I want to protect our children in our schools, I want to protect families spending the day shopping at a mall or inside a Movie theatre. We should be able to go to the grocery store and our places of worship, without the fear of looking over our shoulders.
Critical Race Theory- Doesn't exist in our public school system. American history isn't CRT, Truth isn't CRT, no teacher in our state or any other state is indoctrinating our children. They are teaching American history. Finally, if my child is old enough to experience racism, other people's children are old enough to learn about racism so we can eradicate it.